A Wasted Effort?
The Democrats are looking at a filibuster of Judge Sam 'TYMPMIHA'* Alito. Kos, over at that little-known blog 'Daily Kos,' has a good piece up about the reality of the situation. It can be summed up this way:
So you are pissed at the situation, you should be. But don't be pissed at a bare-thin caucus. Okay, be a little pissed. But really, the real culprit is the Democratic establishment has done such a piss-poor job of runnning elections that we only have 44 of them.At the end of the piece, he finishes with a flourish.
We need more Dems, and we need more good Dems.
So be pissed. But realize that things won't change until we can grow our Senate caucus. To the electoral victors go the spoils, and it's time we stop their looting of America. And that'll happen when our congressional Dems get some reinforcements. Let's work to make that happen.
Kos is right. My biggest fear, though, is that if the Dems filibuster, the Republicans will, once again, spin it as though the Dems are out of touch with the 'mainstream' of society. My issue with Alito is not the whole 'choice' thing; abortion has become such a part of our society that at worst, it will kick back to the states if 'Roe' is overturned. No, my biggest fear is that we will get a justice less-than-willing to confront abuses of executive authority. But...damn it, the Dems can't win this one, and I'm not sure if it is worth it to spend what little political capital they have in a futile last stand.
*'Thank You Mr. President, May I Have Another?'
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